Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Assignment 2: The Elements and Principles of Design

For our second assignment, we were to find pictures online and then explain the various Elements and Principles of Design within those pictures, such as with the photo below, I explained the following:

Shape: Most shapes in the design are simplistic and easy to understand what they form in the picture. 
Colour: The Soldier’s uniform, like all characters in Team Fortress 2, is simplistic, and almost entirely one colour, red or blue. 
Size: A number of things are oversized, such as the grenades and the helmet, to exaggerate the solder as, well, a soldier.
Value: There is some gradient between the edges of the picture and the centre, the edges being darker while the centre is brighter.
Contrast: Again, with the edges and background being much darker then the subject, they stick out.
Proximity: Everything in the cosplay is close together, the two grenades are right beside each other, and the Solder is holding his Rocket Launcher close to his body.
Through this project I learned how to better explain how a picture is composed, and how to compose one in an organized way.

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